Hear is the customer care number of dutch bangla bank
Customer Service

Debit / Credit Cards
Dutch-Bangla Bank family, always believe that, as in everything else, you deserve the best in banking too. Therefore, we constantly strive to cater to all your financial needs with world class products to become your trusted partner. If you need any information or assistance about a service or a product, please let us know. We are here to assist you 365 days round the clock through our Customer Care Center.
1. Call our 24-hours Call Center at 16216. For International Call 09666716216.
2. Click to send an e-mail to: cards@dutchbanglabank.com
3. Visit the Help Desk at any Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd Branch or
4. Write to us at:
Cards Operation Division, Head Office
315/B (2nd Floor)
Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Sarani
Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka – 1208
Internet Banking
If you need help with the log in process of Internet Banking or have technical question, please let us know. We are here to assist you 365 days round the clock through our Customer Care Center.
1. Call our 24-hours Call Center at 16216. For International Call 09666716216.
2. Internet Banking Support can be reached via e-mail at ibsupport@dutchbanglabank.com
3. Wirte to us at:
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.
17th Floor
47 Motijheel C/A
Dhaka -1000
SMS & Alert Banking
If you need help for operation process of SMS & Alert Banking or have technical questions, please let us know. We are here to assist you 365 days round the clock through our Customer Care Center.
1. Call our 24-hours Call Center at 16216. For International Call 09666716216.
2. SMS & Alert Banking Support can be reached via e-mail at ibsupport@dutchbanglabank.com
3. Write to us at:
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd.
17th Floor
47 Motijheel C/A
Dhaka -1000